Happy Holidays to all!!!
May the tunnels not have too much suction,
May the course be fun and fast.
May your dog not stop to say "hello" to the photographers they pass!
May the table not be too slippery,
May the chute house no scary beasts,
May all the yellow parts be touched with one little toe, at least.
May the wind be always at your back,
May no bars fall on the ground.
May the A-frame have no stop sign on the top,
May the judge's whistle never sound.
May your dog obey all correct commands And ignore the ones that are wrong.
May your heart be light, your feet be sure and the bond with your dog grow strong.
At the finish line, may great joy abound, regardless of your score,
You have your dog, your dog has you, and who could ask for more?
Written by: PJ Hughes
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Big Announcement!!
It's Official, and we are more than excited for this awesome opportunity!
Terry & Kim Simons' Flying Dog Agility is a private dog training facility in Southern California. Located on a half acre in the San Fernando Valley, FDA offers private and semi-private lessons to dog agility enthusiasts at all levels. FDA presents seminars on competitive agility at various locations throughout the West, Canada and Hawaii. Owners Terry and Kim Simons have been competing in agility since 1994 and are internationally recognized in the sport.
Sat AM Is intro to handling
Sat PM Advance/Masters Handling
Course Analysis Seminar for all on Saturday evening.
Sun AM - Beginning distance
Sun PM - more Masters Handling
Terry Simon's will be coming here to Lethbridge!
Terry & Kim Simons' Flying Dog Agility is a private dog training facility in Southern California. Located on a half acre in the San Fernando Valley, FDA offers private and semi-private lessons to dog agility enthusiasts at all levels. FDA presents seminars on competitive agility at various locations throughout the West, Canada and Hawaii. Owners Terry and Kim Simons have been competing in agility since 1994 and are internationally recognized in the sport.
Mark Your Calendars February 7 & 8, 2009
Working spots are limited, more info. to come!
Here is a small taste of what will be offered:
Sat AM Is intro to handling
Sat PM Advance/Masters Handling
Course Analysis Seminar for all on Saturday evening.
Sun AM - Beginning distance
Sun PM - more Masters Handling
email: sarah.novak[@]shaw.ca if you can't wait for more info and want to know more :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
AAC Changes for the New Year
Everyone needs to take notice of the upcoming changes to the AAC program for the new year. I have bolded the most important info.
This is copied from the AAC Bark list on yahoo.
AAC Board Meeting Highlights
November 14 - 16, 2008
More Challenge
The Board is excited to introduce to the AAC mix a new game that recognizes competitors' calls for increased variety and challenge in course design, more emphasis on "on-the-day" competition and a serious nod to the sorts of handling technicalities seen in international competition.
The class, to be called the AAC Challenge, will be open to dogs competing at the Masters level in Standard classes. Required equipment will be the same as in Standard courses with the possible addition of the table and/or broad jump, but course design will emphasize more technical handling challenges than would be seen in a Standard or Steeplechase class. Judges, competitors and course approvers will be consulted in the process of establishing design criteria in the coming months.
To add an element of strategic, on-the-day competitiveness, for the purposes of qualifying the standard course time will be determined after each height class runs by multiplying the fastest clean-run time achieved in that height class by 1.2. The Masters Challenge Dog of Canada title will be awarded to dogs earning ten Challenge Qs under at least two different judges. Additionally, Challenge Qs will count toward the games Q totals required for the post-ATChC titles.
More Options
Effective January 1, 2009, Team Relay will be moved out of the SGDC, AGDC and ATChC requirements and become a title stream unto itself. The Masters Team Relay Dog of Canada will require two Starters, three Advanced and four Masters Team Relay Qs. Masters Team Relay Qs earned prior to or after January 1 will continue to count toward the MTRDC title and the games requirements of the post-ATChC titles.
With the removal of Team, the requirements for the SGDC, AGDC, Masters Games and ATChC titles have been adjusted as follows:
SGDC will require two Qs earned under two different judges in each of Starters Jumpers, Gamblers and Snooker. Moving to Advanced in a given game will require two Starters Qs in that game earned under two different judges.
AGDC will require three Qs under at least two different judges in each of Advanced Jumpers, Gamblers and Snooker. Moving to Masters in a given game will require three Advanced Qs in that game earned under at least two different judges.
Each Masters game title (MJDC, MGDC, MSDC) will require four Masters Qs in that game earned under at least two different judges.
ATChC will require four Masters Qs earned under at least two different judges in each of Jumpers, Gamblers and Snooker plus three Masters Standard Qs earned under at least two different judges
Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards of Merit, along with the Lifetime Achievement Award, will stay the same in terms of the number of standard and games Qs required. AAC Challenge class Qs will count toward the games tally for each of these awards.
These new titles come into effect as of January 1, 2009, and will be awarded retroactively to dogs that have met the requirements. (This, of course, will take some time - please be patient.)
Comprehensive details outlining grandfathering during the transition period will be released within the next few days but, in general, no Qs earned to date will be "lost." Dogs will not have to go back a level to pick up Qs in order to be eligible for the SGDC and AGDC titles but will rather be considered to have met the requirements in a specific game if they are eligible to move up in that game as of January 1, 2009. Details are being finalized and documented. Here, too, please be patient and all will become clear(er) very soon.
More Post-ATChC Titles
Earlier this year, the AAC Think Tank came up with a number of recommendations for post-ATChC titles that recognize expertise in single events and well as versatility across the range of skills tested in AAC classes. These include "Expert" awards for each game and "Versatility" awards recognizing a combination of skills.
For each Masters class (Standard, Jumpers, Snooker, Gamblers, Team Relay):
Expert "class" Bronze 10 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges
ExSt Bronze, ExJ Bronze, ExSn Bronze, ExG Bronze, ExT Bronze
Expert "class" Silver 25 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges
ExSt Silver, ExJ Silver, ExSn Silver, ExG Silver, ExT Silver
Expert "class" Gold 50 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges
ExSt Gold, ExJ Gold, ExSn Gold, ExG Gold, ExT Gold
Expert Steeplechase Bronze 25 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExSc Bronze
Expert Steeplechase Silver 50 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExSc Silver
Expert Steeplechase Gold 100 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExSc Gold
AAC Challenge
Expert Challenge Bronze 25 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExC Bronze
Expert Challenge Silver 50 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExC Silver
Expert Challenge Gold 100 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExC Gold
Versatility Bronze Award Any 3 Bronze Expert Titles VBA
Versatility Silver Award Any 4 Silver Expert Titles VSA
Versatility Gold Award Any 5 Gold Expert Titles VGA
Versatility Lifetime Award Any 6 Gold Expert Titles VLA
Losing Letters
Effective January 1, 2009, Specials and Veterans titles will no longer carry the "S" and "V" designations. An ATChC is an ATChC is an ATChC, and the same goes for all of the other titles. This change recognizes the fact that, in many cases, titles are earned with qualifying scores accumulated in a mix of Regular, Specials and Veterans classes.
Even More Options
Handlers running a dog in Specials will have the option to move into Regular classes once during the dog's career. Such a switch will require the handler to notify the AAC via the appropriate Regional Director (a form will be developed and available on the web site), but will not require justification or approval. A switch from Specials to Regular cannot be made mid-trial.
Junior Handlers
The Junior Handlers program will be expanded to allow juniors to run in and earn qualifying scores in all classes, including games. As is currently the case, juniors will have veteran times and may run at a height lower than that at which the dog normally competes, and can accumulate their qualifying scores with different dogs. To earn JH titles, juniors must enter under their JH ID number as opposed to that of the dog they are running. Juniors running for JH Qs at a given trial may not also run for "dog Qs" at the same trial, and no dog will be permitted to run the same course twice. (That is, a dog cannot run in a class under his dog ID number with a non-junior handler and also run the same class with a junior handler showing under a JH number.)
Trial Hosting Issues
To update the rule book to reflect common practice, a number of changes to the trial hosting section will be made. These include allowing for the acceptance of entries after a trial's closing date if the trial has not filled, allowing for electronically posted confirmations provided each competitor is sent an e-mail notifying them of when confirmation information has been posted and where it can be found, and removing the requirement that all dogs must be checked in. Competitors must have their dog ID cards with them, but do not necessarily have to be checked in if (a) the card is complete (i.e., a final measurement has been obtained) and (b) the competitor has previously competed at a trial hosted by the same club. Judges and/or clubs may ask to see ID cards at their discretion. Competitors are encouraged check their confirmations to ensure that all of their information (and in particular their dog ID number) has been entered correctly.
Also, although the AAC does not specify restrictions on training equipment allowable at trial sites, competitors are reminded that host clubs are free to impose on-site bans on such things as choke or pinch collars, shock or bark collars, and so on.
Clubs and judges will now be responsible for on-site verification of course times so that errors can be caught during the trial rather than weeks later when courses are sent back to course approvers. A standardized form will be developed to make this process as straightforward as possible.
Non-sanctioned Events at Sanctioned Trials
Host clubs and competitors are reminded of an existing rule that prevents the running of non-sanctioned events at AAC-sanctioned trials unless a number of conditions are met, namely that no food, toys or corrections are allowed in the ring for dogs also entered in the sanctioned part of the trial, that dogs entered in the non-sanctioned classes are sound and more than 18 months of age (i.e., otherwise eligible to compete), that non-sanctioned classes are held either before the first or after the last sanctioned event of the trial, and that if non-sanctioned classes (e.g., a fun run or ring time) are held before the first sanctioned event of the trial, course maps for sanctioned events are not posted or distributed until after the non-sanctioned event. Clubs that do not comply with these requirements risk jeopardizing any and all Qs earned at the trial.
Rules of Play and Equipment Issues
Chute: The fabric portion of the chute/collapsed tunnel will be shortened from 12 to 8 feet as measured from the point of attachment to the opening to maintain the closed-tunnel challenge while lessening the likelihood of dogs getting caught or tangled. This change will be acceptable starting in January 2009 and mandatory as of July 1, 2009. Additionally, as of 2009, the chute will no longer be used in Regionals or Nationals courses.
Contact obstacles: Starting in January 2009, host clubs will have the option to use contact obstacles coated in a specific rubberized compound, details of which will be released shortly. Clubs using contact obstacles with this rubberized coating must inform competitors that they are doing so in their premium lists. Feedback from competitors, clubs and judges will be sought to determine the effectiveness of this coating in the improvement of footing and safety. All other elements of these obstacles will remain the same, including slats as specified in the rule book.
Weave poles: The Board gave careful consideration to the recommendations of the Standing Rules Committee concerning weave poles and determined that more information ought to be sought prior to making a decision about increasing the distance between poles; however, it was decided that, effective January 1, 2009, poles spaced at less than 20" apart on centre will not be acceptable for use in AAC-sanctioned trials. Similarly, stick-in-the- ground poles will not longer be permitted.
As of January 1, 2009, weave poles will no longer be permitted in Masters Jumpers courses.
Also, as of July 1, 2009, striping on weave poles must be painted rather than taped to lessen the chance of injury as dogs push through the poles.
Gamble times: The time allowed for the closing sequence in gamblers will be two seconds longer for mini dogs than for open dogs. This change makes an optional time difference mandatory.
Gamble challenges: Course approvers will now have a set of guidelines governing the number and mix of challenges allowable in closing gambles.
All bylaw changes must be voted on by the membership. As part of a significant updating of the Association' s bylaws, the Board made a number of recommendations for the consideration of members. These include:
More Representation: To more closely approximate the proportion of AAC members in the seven Regions, the Board will recommend to members that Ontario be divided into three geographical Regions defined by postal code and that British Columbia be divided into two Regions (mainland/Yukon and Vancouver Island). Each of these new Regions would be represented by a Regional Director, adding two Ontario Directors (for a total of three) and one BC Director (for a total of two) to the Board. Each of these new Regions would then have the option of hosting a Regional Championship limited to competitors residing in the Region.
Fewer Executive Positions: In light of the addition of three Regional Directors and the fact that many of the duties traditionally handled by Executive Directors have been assumed by staff, the Board will also recommend the amalgamation of the positions of Treasurer and Recording/Correspon ding Secretary, thereby reducing the size of the Executive by one position.
Staggered Elections: To enhance continuity and ease the transition between outgoing and incoming Board members, the Board will recommend that an election be held every year (rather than every two) and that half the positions on the Board be open for election each year. Terms would remain at two years once a transition election sets things up for staggering subsequent elections.
Board, Administrative Issues and Staff
To address the vastly expanded and complex needs of the AAC with respect to financial, legal and reporting/audit requirements as well as the increasingly heavy workload associated with administering the day-to-day operations of the Association, the Board has identified the need to hire a permanent part-time Financial Services Officer. A subcommittee of the Board has been established to fine-tune a job description, advertise the position to AAC members, evaluate applications and make a candidate recommendation to the Board.
Because Directors have also experienced an expanded workload as the Association has grown, the Board voted to introduce a number of measures that will ensure Directors are not penalized financially for carrying out their volunteer duties.
As well, a subcommittee of Board members has been struck to examine the feasibility of updating the AAC's database to better serve the needs of members, staff and directors.
Regionals and Nationals
Points: To qualify to compete at the 2009 AAC National Championship, dogs must earn a Regional aggregate score of 350 or more points.
Competitors who apply and are approved to run in a Regionals other than their own will now be able to continue to run in classes remaining after they have earned the points required to qualify, but are not eligible for placements. Their score will be recorded as 350.
Competition (the "double-drop" issue): At Regionals and Nationals, veteran dogs competing two jump heights below their regular height will be scored and placed separately from dogs competing one height lower than their regular height. This will create three additional veterans divisions for the purposes of placements:
6" divisions
A. dogs under 12" tall jumping 6" (mini time)
B. dogs between 12 and 16" tall jumping 6" (mini time)
10" divisions
A. dogs between 12 and 16" tall jumping 10" (mini time)
B. dogs between 16 and 21" tall jumping 10" (open time)
16" divisions
A. dogs between 16 and 21" tall jumping 16" (open time)
B. dogs over 21" tall jumping 16" (open time)
22" division
dogs over 21" tall jumping 22" (open time)
Timer malfunction: At Regionals/Nationals only, if a dog has a clean run but cannot be assigned a time due to a malfunction of equipment or timer error, the handler will be given the option to run again with a blank slate (i.e., both faults and time from the rerun count) or to refuse a rerun, accepting instead a score equivalent to a clean run with a time equal to the standard course time.
2009 Nationals: The Board spent considerable time discussing the form and flavour of the Nationals next year and into the future. The Ottawa group's bid to host the event in 2009 was granted conditional acceptance, with a few issues left to sort out over the next few days. Details will be forthcoming shortly.
Communications Strategy
The Board approved a multifaceted communications strategy designed to ensure members will receive regular updates on all matters related to the rules, activities, programs and future of the Association. Among the components of this approach are a substantial upgrading of the quantity and organization of information on the AAC web site, regular e-newsletters sent to members, downloadable handbooks for competitors, judges and host groups, and a comprehensive annual report. A mailing going out to members in January will include the annual report, ballots and background information related to the proposed bylaw changes, financial statements, updated rule book pages, and a membership survey covering a range of topics including jump heights, Nationals and other issues.
Annual General Meeting
The 2008 AGM will be held on December 13 at Royackers in Ariss, Ontario. As has been the case in the past, this will be a brief meeting conducted to meet the Association' s reporting requirements. Details will be available on the web site shortly.
Just a quick reminder that 2008 memberships expire on December 31. Membership forms are available for download from the AAC web site.
Wow! That's a lot of changes! Also for those of you trialing you should really consider joining AAC as you will get a copy of the rule book. For those already members you will get a new insert for your rulebook in a few months with the updates!
This is copied from the AAC Bark list on yahoo.
AAC Board Meeting Highlights
November 14 - 16, 2008
More Challenge
The Board is excited to introduce to the AAC mix a new game that recognizes competitors' calls for increased variety and challenge in course design, more emphasis on "on-the-day" competition and a serious nod to the sorts of handling technicalities seen in international competition.
The class, to be called the AAC Challenge, will be open to dogs competing at the Masters level in Standard classes. Required equipment will be the same as in Standard courses with the possible addition of the table and/or broad jump, but course design will emphasize more technical handling challenges than would be seen in a Standard or Steeplechase class. Judges, competitors and course approvers will be consulted in the process of establishing design criteria in the coming months.
To add an element of strategic, on-the-day competitiveness, for the purposes of qualifying the standard course time will be determined after each height class runs by multiplying the fastest clean-run time achieved in that height class by 1.2. The Masters Challenge Dog of Canada title will be awarded to dogs earning ten Challenge Qs under at least two different judges. Additionally, Challenge Qs will count toward the games Q totals required for the post-ATChC titles.
More Options
Effective January 1, 2009, Team Relay will be moved out of the SGDC, AGDC and ATChC requirements and become a title stream unto itself. The Masters Team Relay Dog of Canada will require two Starters, three Advanced and four Masters Team Relay Qs. Masters Team Relay Qs earned prior to or after January 1 will continue to count toward the MTRDC title and the games requirements of the post-ATChC titles.
With the removal of Team, the requirements for the SGDC, AGDC, Masters Games and ATChC titles have been adjusted as follows:
SGDC will require two Qs earned under two different judges in each of Starters Jumpers, Gamblers and Snooker. Moving to Advanced in a given game will require two Starters Qs in that game earned under two different judges.
AGDC will require three Qs under at least two different judges in each of Advanced Jumpers, Gamblers and Snooker. Moving to Masters in a given game will require three Advanced Qs in that game earned under at least two different judges.
Each Masters game title (MJDC, MGDC, MSDC) will require four Masters Qs in that game earned under at least two different judges.
ATChC will require four Masters Qs earned under at least two different judges in each of Jumpers, Gamblers and Snooker plus three Masters Standard Qs earned under at least two different judges
Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards of Merit, along with the Lifetime Achievement Award, will stay the same in terms of the number of standard and games Qs required. AAC Challenge class Qs will count toward the games tally for each of these awards.
These new titles come into effect as of January 1, 2009, and will be awarded retroactively to dogs that have met the requirements. (This, of course, will take some time - please be patient.)
Comprehensive details outlining grandfathering during the transition period will be released within the next few days but, in general, no Qs earned to date will be "lost." Dogs will not have to go back a level to pick up Qs in order to be eligible for the SGDC and AGDC titles but will rather be considered to have met the requirements in a specific game if they are eligible to move up in that game as of January 1, 2009. Details are being finalized and documented. Here, too, please be patient and all will become clear(er) very soon.
More Post-ATChC Titles
Earlier this year, the AAC Think Tank came up with a number of recommendations for post-ATChC titles that recognize expertise in single events and well as versatility across the range of skills tested in AAC classes. These include "Expert" awards for each game and "Versatility" awards recognizing a combination of skills.
For each Masters class (Standard, Jumpers, Snooker, Gamblers, Team Relay):
Expert "class" Bronze 10 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges
ExSt Bronze, ExJ Bronze, ExSn Bronze, ExG Bronze, ExT Bronze
Expert "class" Silver 25 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges
ExSt Silver, ExJ Silver, ExSn Silver, ExG Silver, ExT Silver
Expert "class" Gold 50 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges
ExSt Gold, ExJ Gold, ExSn Gold, ExG Gold, ExT Gold
Expert Steeplechase Bronze 25 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExSc Bronze
Expert Steeplechase Silver 50 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExSc Silver
Expert Steeplechase Gold 100 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExSc Gold
AAC Challenge
Expert Challenge Bronze 25 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExC Bronze
Expert Challenge Silver 50 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExC Silver
Expert Challenge Gold 100 Qualifying Scores under at least two different judges ExC Gold
Versatility Bronze Award Any 3 Bronze Expert Titles VBA
Versatility Silver Award Any 4 Silver Expert Titles VSA
Versatility Gold Award Any 5 Gold Expert Titles VGA
Versatility Lifetime Award Any 6 Gold Expert Titles VLA
Losing Letters
Effective January 1, 2009, Specials and Veterans titles will no longer carry the "S" and "V" designations. An ATChC is an ATChC is an ATChC, and the same goes for all of the other titles. This change recognizes the fact that, in many cases, titles are earned with qualifying scores accumulated in a mix of Regular, Specials and Veterans classes.
Even More Options
Handlers running a dog in Specials will have the option to move into Regular classes once during the dog's career. Such a switch will require the handler to notify the AAC via the appropriate Regional Director (a form will be developed and available on the web site), but will not require justification or approval. A switch from Specials to Regular cannot be made mid-trial.
Junior Handlers
The Junior Handlers program will be expanded to allow juniors to run in and earn qualifying scores in all classes, including games. As is currently the case, juniors will have veteran times and may run at a height lower than that at which the dog normally competes, and can accumulate their qualifying scores with different dogs. To earn JH titles, juniors must enter under their JH ID number as opposed to that of the dog they are running. Juniors running for JH Qs at a given trial may not also run for "dog Qs" at the same trial, and no dog will be permitted to run the same course twice. (That is, a dog cannot run in a class under his dog ID number with a non-junior handler and also run the same class with a junior handler showing under a JH number.)
Trial Hosting Issues
To update the rule book to reflect common practice, a number of changes to the trial hosting section will be made. These include allowing for the acceptance of entries after a trial's closing date if the trial has not filled, allowing for electronically posted confirmations provided each competitor is sent an e-mail notifying them of when confirmation information has been posted and where it can be found, and removing the requirement that all dogs must be checked in. Competitors must have their dog ID cards with them, but do not necessarily have to be checked in if (a) the card is complete (i.e., a final measurement has been obtained) and (b) the competitor has previously competed at a trial hosted by the same club. Judges and/or clubs may ask to see ID cards at their discretion. Competitors are encouraged check their confirmations to ensure that all of their information (and in particular their dog ID number) has been entered correctly.
Also, although the AAC does not specify restrictions on training equipment allowable at trial sites, competitors are reminded that host clubs are free to impose on-site bans on such things as choke or pinch collars, shock or bark collars, and so on.
Clubs and judges will now be responsible for on-site verification of course times so that errors can be caught during the trial rather than weeks later when courses are sent back to course approvers. A standardized form will be developed to make this process as straightforward as possible.
Non-sanctioned Events at Sanctioned Trials
Host clubs and competitors are reminded of an existing rule that prevents the running of non-sanctioned events at AAC-sanctioned trials unless a number of conditions are met, namely that no food, toys or corrections are allowed in the ring for dogs also entered in the sanctioned part of the trial, that dogs entered in the non-sanctioned classes are sound and more than 18 months of age (i.e., otherwise eligible to compete), that non-sanctioned classes are held either before the first or after the last sanctioned event of the trial, and that if non-sanctioned classes (e.g., a fun run or ring time) are held before the first sanctioned event of the trial, course maps for sanctioned events are not posted or distributed until after the non-sanctioned event. Clubs that do not comply with these requirements risk jeopardizing any and all Qs earned at the trial.
Rules of Play and Equipment Issues
Chute: The fabric portion of the chute/collapsed tunnel will be shortened from 12 to 8 feet as measured from the point of attachment to the opening to maintain the closed-tunnel challenge while lessening the likelihood of dogs getting caught or tangled. This change will be acceptable starting in January 2009 and mandatory as of July 1, 2009. Additionally, as of 2009, the chute will no longer be used in Regionals or Nationals courses.
Contact obstacles: Starting in January 2009, host clubs will have the option to use contact obstacles coated in a specific rubberized compound, details of which will be released shortly. Clubs using contact obstacles with this rubberized coating must inform competitors that they are doing so in their premium lists. Feedback from competitors, clubs and judges will be sought to determine the effectiveness of this coating in the improvement of footing and safety. All other elements of these obstacles will remain the same, including slats as specified in the rule book.
Weave poles: The Board gave careful consideration to the recommendations of the Standing Rules Committee concerning weave poles and determined that more information ought to be sought prior to making a decision about increasing the distance between poles; however, it was decided that, effective January 1, 2009, poles spaced at less than 20" apart on centre will not be acceptable for use in AAC-sanctioned trials. Similarly, stick-in-the- ground poles will not longer be permitted.
As of January 1, 2009, weave poles will no longer be permitted in Masters Jumpers courses.
Also, as of July 1, 2009, striping on weave poles must be painted rather than taped to lessen the chance of injury as dogs push through the poles.
Gamble times: The time allowed for the closing sequence in gamblers will be two seconds longer for mini dogs than for open dogs. This change makes an optional time difference mandatory.
Gamble challenges: Course approvers will now have a set of guidelines governing the number and mix of challenges allowable in closing gambles.
All bylaw changes must be voted on by the membership. As part of a significant updating of the Association' s bylaws, the Board made a number of recommendations for the consideration of members. These include:
More Representation: To more closely approximate the proportion of AAC members in the seven Regions, the Board will recommend to members that Ontario be divided into three geographical Regions defined by postal code and that British Columbia be divided into two Regions (mainland/Yukon and Vancouver Island). Each of these new Regions would be represented by a Regional Director, adding two Ontario Directors (for a total of three) and one BC Director (for a total of two) to the Board. Each of these new Regions would then have the option of hosting a Regional Championship limited to competitors residing in the Region.
Fewer Executive Positions: In light of the addition of three Regional Directors and the fact that many of the duties traditionally handled by Executive Directors have been assumed by staff, the Board will also recommend the amalgamation of the positions of Treasurer and Recording/Correspon ding Secretary, thereby reducing the size of the Executive by one position.
Staggered Elections: To enhance continuity and ease the transition between outgoing and incoming Board members, the Board will recommend that an election be held every year (rather than every two) and that half the positions on the Board be open for election each year. Terms would remain at two years once a transition election sets things up for staggering subsequent elections.
Board, Administrative Issues and Staff
To address the vastly expanded and complex needs of the AAC with respect to financial, legal and reporting/audit requirements as well as the increasingly heavy workload associated with administering the day-to-day operations of the Association, the Board has identified the need to hire a permanent part-time Financial Services Officer. A subcommittee of the Board has been established to fine-tune a job description, advertise the position to AAC members, evaluate applications and make a candidate recommendation to the Board.
Because Directors have also experienced an expanded workload as the Association has grown, the Board voted to introduce a number of measures that will ensure Directors are not penalized financially for carrying out their volunteer duties.
As well, a subcommittee of Board members has been struck to examine the feasibility of updating the AAC's database to better serve the needs of members, staff and directors.
Regionals and Nationals
Points: To qualify to compete at the 2009 AAC National Championship, dogs must earn a Regional aggregate score of 350 or more points.
Competitors who apply and are approved to run in a Regionals other than their own will now be able to continue to run in classes remaining after they have earned the points required to qualify, but are not eligible for placements. Their score will be recorded as 350.
Competition (the "double-drop" issue): At Regionals and Nationals, veteran dogs competing two jump heights below their regular height will be scored and placed separately from dogs competing one height lower than their regular height. This will create three additional veterans divisions for the purposes of placements:
6" divisions
A. dogs under 12" tall jumping 6" (mini time)
B. dogs between 12 and 16" tall jumping 6" (mini time)
10" divisions
A. dogs between 12 and 16" tall jumping 10" (mini time)
B. dogs between 16 and 21" tall jumping 10" (open time)
16" divisions
A. dogs between 16 and 21" tall jumping 16" (open time)
B. dogs over 21" tall jumping 16" (open time)
22" division
dogs over 21" tall jumping 22" (open time)
Timer malfunction: At Regionals/Nationals only, if a dog has a clean run but cannot be assigned a time due to a malfunction of equipment or timer error, the handler will be given the option to run again with a blank slate (i.e., both faults and time from the rerun count) or to refuse a rerun, accepting instead a score equivalent to a clean run with a time equal to the standard course time.
2009 Nationals: The Board spent considerable time discussing the form and flavour of the Nationals next year and into the future. The Ottawa group's bid to host the event in 2009 was granted conditional acceptance, with a few issues left to sort out over the next few days. Details will be forthcoming shortly.
Communications Strategy
The Board approved a multifaceted communications strategy designed to ensure members will receive regular updates on all matters related to the rules, activities, programs and future of the Association. Among the components of this approach are a substantial upgrading of the quantity and organization of information on the AAC web site, regular e-newsletters sent to members, downloadable handbooks for competitors, judges and host groups, and a comprehensive annual report. A mailing going out to members in January will include the annual report, ballots and background information related to the proposed bylaw changes, financial statements, updated rule book pages, and a membership survey covering a range of topics including jump heights, Nationals and other issues.
Annual General Meeting
The 2008 AGM will be held on December 13 at Royackers in Ariss, Ontario. As has been the case in the past, this will be a brief meeting conducted to meet the Association' s reporting requirements. Details will be available on the web site shortly.
Just a quick reminder that 2008 memberships expire on December 31. Membership forms are available for download from the AAC web site.
Wow! That's a lot of changes! Also for those of you trialing you should really consider joining AAC as you will get a copy of the rule book. For those already members you will get a new insert for your rulebook in a few months with the updates!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Last Agility Trial of the Year ...
Calgary Agility Association hosted their November trial this weekend.
Kim, Jolayne, Judy, Amanda and Sarah went up for the day Saturday, and Jan and Dave stayed both days.
Lets start with the BIGGEST news!
Jazmin got her last Q for her Masters Agility Dog Title!! And to top it off, she ran with the "regular" dog times - and she is a Veteran. At 10.5 years young, she didn't even need those extra 15 seconds Veteran dogs get! Way to go Judy and Jazmin!!
Jolayne and Tag are quickly becoming quite the team too. Tag 1st and Qd in Advanced Gamblers, and they made their Snooker debut in style, with a 1st and Q, running it in 34 seconds, you get 55 to complete it.
Kim and Maggie had a great day too! Maggie was spunky to say the least and Kim had to really run to keep up with her, and to top if off with all that speed she didn't knock any bars or miss any contacts, Kim's goals were achieved!
Kim's Bosley made his debut in Starters Gamblers, and did great! He even managed to get the Final Gamble at the end!
Amanda had Wicca and Boone entered in two runs each. Both dogs had a great time, little Boone's tail wags the whole time on course, and miss Wicca was a little pushy so she had some friendly reminders on course, that contacts are to be stuck as well as startlines!!
Sarah ran Gyp and K in three runs each, they each came home with a Masters Gamblers Q, and had some other nice runs too, both dogs ran great all day!
Jan and Dave had a good weekend with Pearl and BB too, Pearl got a Masters Q in Snooker and Standard and BB got a Masters Standard Q. On Sunday, BB didn't get enough points in the opening gamble, but had a smokin perfect final gamble!
Kim, Jolayne, Judy, Amanda and Sarah went up for the day Saturday, and Jan and Dave stayed both days.
Lets start with the BIGGEST news!
Jazmin got her last Q for her Masters Agility Dog Title!! And to top it off, she ran with the "regular" dog times - and she is a Veteran. At 10.5 years young, she didn't even need those extra 15 seconds Veteran dogs get! Way to go Judy and Jazmin!!
Jolayne and Tag are quickly becoming quite the team too. Tag 1st and Qd in Advanced Gamblers, and they made their Snooker debut in style, with a 1st and Q, running it in 34 seconds, you get 55 to complete it.
Kim and Maggie had a great day too! Maggie was spunky to say the least and Kim had to really run to keep up with her, and to top if off with all that speed she didn't knock any bars or miss any contacts, Kim's goals were achieved!
Kim's Bosley made his debut in Starters Gamblers, and did great! He even managed to get the Final Gamble at the end!
Amanda had Wicca and Boone entered in two runs each. Both dogs had a great time, little Boone's tail wags the whole time on course, and miss Wicca was a little pushy so she had some friendly reminders on course, that contacts are to be stuck as well as startlines!!
Sarah ran Gyp and K in three runs each, they each came home with a Masters Gamblers Q, and had some other nice runs too, both dogs ran great all day!
Jan and Dave had a good weekend with Pearl and BB too, Pearl got a Masters Q in Snooker and Standard and BB got a Masters Standard Q. On Sunday, BB didn't get enough points in the opening gamble, but had a smokin perfect final gamble!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Halloween... Go Dog Go Style
It was a great day, lots of fun costumes and games! Thanks to everyone who came and participated and hung out for lunch and the games! And thanks to our 2 special judges!
Sarah, as Dorothy - and the Gang, and Jazmin posing as Kaleb :)
Atty the DIVA, pearls and all!
Duke was cute as a pony and Kayley was his cowgirl! Too sweet!
Bosley the pumpkin head!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Training Troop results
Training Troop puts a great trial a ton of runs and we were done at 6:30 on Saturday and 4:30 on Sunday, it was great!
Wendy and Coulee made the trip and Coulee Qd in Starters Jumpers and had some really nice handling moments by Wendy, they are really coming together as a team. Coulee got better and better as the weekend went on!
BB had some nice runs and Jan was happy with the challenges on course she was able to try. She was spunky for most of the weekend and jan did a great job handling her on some tough courses!
Pearl Qd in Masters Standard and had a huge improvement in her weaves this weekend and some nice handling moments by Dave. Dave won the Masters award for his memorable fall with BB coming over the finish line, we were glad he wasn't hurt - but we still laughed :)
Jolayne and Tag had an amazing weekend and brought home 4 Qs! Tag Q'd in all Standards! 2 Starters Standard on Saturday for his Starters Title - ADC, and moved up to Advanced on Sunday and Qd in his first time in Advanced! He also go his first Q in Steeplechase, placing 6th in a class of 20! What a team, he was controlled at 100mph and Jolayne did a great job handling in her runs.
Boone and Amanda had a great weekend, Boone was entered in 4 runs and Qd in Advanced Gamblers and Starters Standard. He was happy all weekend in all of his runs and has made huge improvements in the areas Amanda has been working on.
Sarah had Jane entered in 5 runs and she Qd in all of her 3 Masters Standard runs. She got freaked out by something in Steeplechase and I didn't know at the time if it was physical so we left the ring and it took a while to get her back to normal, she seemed fine physically, and she ended on a good note and ran her last Standard in jane style!!! So I was glad whatever bothered her she was able to overcome.
Sarah and Kaleb had a great weekend, K was entered in 6 runs and brought home 4Qs. He Qd in Masters Standard x 2 and got another Team Q and a Snooker Q, he was spunky all weekend and handled well too!!
Sarah and Gyppie had fun too! Gyp didn't lose confidence all weekend - even when Sarah had a couple bad handling moments ugh! Gyp just went with it. She brought home 3Qs and firsts places: Masters Standard, Steeplechase and Jumpers. She had some other great runs and I was able to challenge and test our skills and I was thrilled about that!
Congrats everyone!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
ghosts and ghouls....
ghosts and ghouls party
Saturday October 25th
1pm - 3pm
at Paws on the Run- 242 12 st N, Lethbridge
RSVP by October 20th

Schedule of "ghoulish" Events
1pm potluck lunch - please bring a potluck item (dessert and DRINKS will be supplied)
followed by a good game of ....
wiener dunking
who will be the champion? Will the terriers prevail?
barrel racing - no, we don't ride the dogs, but it is just as fun, and timed!
costume contest - It's Halloween afterall!!
PRIZES!! for the best costumes!
as always: bring a crate and water for you dog and all that good stuff!!

And for anyone want to join us we are having a meeting about the 2009 Regionals from 3-4
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Last Chance Fun Match!
Go! Dog! Go!
Last Chance for Outdoor Fun, Fun Match
Sunday October 5th
At Bogdan's (Highway 3 on the way to Lethbridge - email me for directions)
** If you are planning on attending, please email me, so we can get an idea of numbers
For some of you this will be your first Fun Match how exciting!! Monday classes you know who you are :)
9:30am Registration
9:45 Walk Through
10:00 First Dog on the line, we will start with Adv/Masters for each class.
Standard Course
There will be two courses set up, one for Starters (with a weave pole option) and one for Advanced/Masters
There will be two courses set up, one for Starters and one for Advanced/Masters
Cost $5 for two runs, per dog (you may run both levels)
Treats and toys may be used on course - this is a fun match afterall! All dogs must be crated or benched in a vehicle, you may bring a shade tent, no concession available, please bring water for your dog and a lunch and snacks for yourself!!!
PRIZES for top dogs in each class!!!
** Even if your dog isn't ready to run in the Fun Match, come out and cheer the dogs on!!!!! **
For more info call Sarah at 327-6499 or Amanda at 330-5370
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Flashing K-9's Agility Trial
We all had a great time in Medicine Hat this past weekend- and Go Dog Go kicked some serious butt :o)
Maggie - Had an amazing weekend- she earned her Starters Jumpers Q and her Starters Game Dog Title, and an Advanced Snooker Q! We've discovered that Maggie runs best when wet :o)
Tag - Had a stellar weekend and was calm (well as calm as Tag can be) and controlled (se previous brackets) Just 5 and 10 faults in his standards and the fastest time in Starters Jumpers - had a bar down for 5 faults, he was awesome all
Pearl - a Q in Masters Standard and Masters Jumpers. She had a great Steeplechase run aswell- Dave was running faster than I've seen in a long time!
BB - was feeling great all weekend and Qd in Masters Snooker. She had great weaves and had a nice jumpers round as well.
Kaleb ran in 6 and Qd in 5, Masters Standard it was his 25th!!!
Master Jumpers, Masters Gamblers, Masters Team and Masters Snooker,
he ran great! Kaleb was feeling great- and didn't knock a bar all weekend- and wasn't even a diva in the morning!
Gyp - Qd in Masters Jumpers with the fastest time, Masters Gamblers,
Steeplechase - with the fastest time, Masters Team - for her Team
Title!, and Masters Snooker - and her Snooker Title, Masters Games
Title and her SATCHC! Specials Aglity Trial Champion of Canada
Woohooo Gyppie and Sarah! She sure has come a long way fast!
Boone - earned his starters team Q (paired with another pyr shep named Cheetah)and had an awesome standard, he ran great and is getting better and better each trial.
Wicca -earned her first Masters Standard Q - with the fastest time overall (beating those border collies)! She also managed to earn yet another Masters Gamble Q- she had to be pulled from the trial when she started limping after hurling herself around a jumpers course.
The next trial is a one day event in Calgary- this will be Coulee's first trial away from home, and Vito's debut!
Maggie - Had an amazing weekend- she earned her Starters Jumpers Q and her Starters Game Dog Title, and an Advanced Snooker Q! We've discovered that Maggie runs best when wet :o)
Tag - Had a stellar weekend and was calm (well as calm as Tag can be) and controlled (se previous brackets) Just 5 and 10 faults in his standards and the fastest time in Starters Jumpers - had a bar down for 5 faults, he was awesome all
Pearl - a Q in Masters Standard and Masters Jumpers. She had a great Steeplechase run aswell- Dave was running faster than I've seen in a long time!
BB - was feeling great all weekend and Qd in Masters Snooker. She had great weaves and had a nice jumpers round as well.
Kaleb ran in 6 and Qd in 5, Masters Standard it was his 25th!!!
Master Jumpers, Masters Gamblers, Masters Team and Masters Snooker,
he ran great! Kaleb was feeling great- and didn't knock a bar all weekend- and wasn't even a diva in the morning!
Gyp - Qd in Masters Jumpers with the fastest time, Masters Gamblers,
Steeplechase - with the fastest time, Masters Team - for her Team
Title!, and Masters Snooker - and her Snooker Title, Masters Games
Title and her SATCHC! Specials Aglity Trial Champion of Canada
Woohooo Gyppie and Sarah! She sure has come a long way fast!
Boone - earned his starters team Q (paired with another pyr shep named Cheetah)and had an awesome standard, he ran great and is getting better and better each trial.
Wicca -earned her first Masters Standard Q - with the fastest time overall (beating those border collies)! She also managed to earn yet another Masters Gamble Q- she had to be pulled from the trial when she started limping after hurling herself around a jumpers course.
The next trial is a one day event in Calgary- this will be Coulee's first trial away from home, and Vito's debut!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Kimberley and Saskatoon News!
Kim, Maggie and Bosley had a fantastic trip to their Bernese National Specialty in Saskatoon!
KIMBERLEY B.C. Agility Trial:
We had a great time and all of the dogs did awesome! Such a beautiful venue, we hope more of the group goes next year!
- Jazmin got her second Masters Standard Q and a Q in Advanced Team with Lucy! She was entered in 5 runs and did great in all of them!
- Lucy and Lynne had a great weekend! Lucy brought home Qs in Advanced Team, Advanced Standard and Starters Snooker - to finish her STARTERS GAME DOG TITLE, and Lucy was also chosen for the Judge's Choice Award!

- BB had some really nice runs and ran great ALL weekend, she brought home a Q in Masters Jumpers with SMOKIN fast run!

- Pearl had some nice runs too and kept her confidence up all weekend!
- Boone was happy, happy, happy in the 5 runs he was entered in and Amanda was thrilled with his efforts!
- Wicca had a a stellar weekend and brought home 4 Q's: Masters Snooker!! Steeplechase, Masters Team (with Gyppie) and got the last Q for her Advanced Standard Title!!
- Gyppie ran great too and brought home 4 Qs and finished 2 titles also this weekend: Masters Gamblers Dog and Masters Agility Dog of Canada (MAD), she alsoo Qd in Masters Team and Masters Jumpers
- Kaleb Qd in 4 of his 6 runs and ran great all weekend too: Masters Gamblers, Masters Standard, Masters Team and Masters Jumpers.
Our next trial is in 2 weeks in Medicine Hat, stay tuned!
Maggie finsihed her Novice CKC Agility Title, she got a Q in Advanced Jumpers with Weaves and a Q in Advaned Rally.
Bosley was entered in his first 3 Novice Obedience runs and finished his CD in those three runs! With a HIGH in CLASS, HIGH BERNESE in SPECIALTY and YOUNGEST DOG ENTERED! He also got Best of Oppisite in the Altered Conformation Class and a Q in Advanced Rally too!
You can read more on her Blog:
We had a great time and all of the dogs did awesome! Such a beautiful venue, we hope more of the group goes next year!

Gyp, Lucy and Wicca take some time to show you how pretty the fall colours are.
- Lucy and Lynne had a great weekend! Lucy brought home Qs in Advanced Team, Advanced Standard and Starters Snooker - to finish her STARTERS GAME DOG TITLE, and Lucy was also chosen for the Judge's Choice Award!
The "Kimberley's" in Kimberley!

- Pearl had some nice runs too and kept her confidence up all weekend!
- Boone was happy, happy, happy in the 5 runs he was entered in and Amanda was thrilled with his efforts!
- Wicca had a a stellar weekend and brought home 4 Q's: Masters Snooker!! Steeplechase, Masters Team (with Gyppie) and got the last Q for her Advanced Standard Title!!
- Gyppie ran great too and brought home 4 Qs and finished 2 titles also this weekend: Masters Gamblers Dog and Masters Agility Dog of Canada (MAD), she alsoo Qd in Masters Team and Masters Jumpers
- Kaleb Qd in 4 of his 6 runs and ran great all weekend too: Masters Gamblers, Masters Standard, Masters Team and Masters Jumpers.
Our next trial is in 2 weeks in Medicine Hat, stay tuned!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Thank you to everyone for you good luck messages while we were on our trip, it was nice to know we had people cheering for us!!!
Upcoming Events:
September Long Weekend
Saskatoon Kennel Club:
Kim, Maggie and Bosley will be in attendance for their Bernese Mountain Dog National Specialty, they'll be doing Agility, Rally, Obedience and even some showing!
September 6 & 7
Kimberley Agility Trial
September 20 & 21
Medicine Hat (Redcliff) Agility Trial
Stay tuned for results from these events!!!
How about a Fun Match the last weekend of September??
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Medal Heads
YAHOOOO!!! All of our dogs reached the podium, they get these fancy medals for finished top 10 in their divisions! There were 500 handlers from all over Canada and USA entered.
We will have the videos here too - hopefully in the next day or two!!!!!
ON A SIDE NOTE: Yesterday was the longest day of my life, we left Sussex (10am - 7am Alberta time) and drove to Halifax and spent the day on the harbour front and it was great fun!!!!! The day totalled: 8 hours of driving, explosive diarrhea (Kaleb's not mine) a 5 hour flight, a now dead coyote near Nanton, an Insurance claim to come for my car, 2 energy drinks, and finally arriving at my front door at 2:30am. And two cranky bitches ... and I don't mean the tri-coloured ones ....
I am REALLY REALLY happy to be home, but it was an amazing trip and the best national I have been too!!!! Here are the final results:

I am REALLY REALLY happy to be home, but it was an amazing trip and the best national I have been too!!!! Here are the final results:
Had some AWESOME runs, and she did Alberta proud by running in the Steeplechase FINALS, placing second and bringing home $100!!!!!
6" Specials Class
**** 10th Place!!! ****
10 dog class
aggregate score 354.00
My big goof ball amazed me, and some other people too!!!
22" Specials Class
**** 7th Place!!!!!! ****
23 dog class
aggregate score 465.77
She just started competing one year ago, so I am still in shock.
16" Specials Class
**** 5th Place!!! ****
29 dog class
aggregate score 524.13
Steeplechase semi-fnalist
AND She finished her Steeplechase Title!!!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Day 2
Standard 2- placed 3RD! Gyppie was fast, and was listening great. It was a tight course and very technical- lots of dogs crashed and burned on that one!
Gamblers 1- no gamble = no placement. She tried hard, but it was a lot for her and she lost her confidence when Sarah tried to redirect. It was the only run of the weekend she didn't run clean.
Steeplechase Semi-Finals- ran clean, but missed the weave entry the first time and in such a competitive class those few seconds cost her a spot in the finals. It was a beautiful run though!
Standard 2- placed 7TH. He was going as fast as a flatcoat can and just gave it. He and Sarah worked great together as a team and the results were surprising!
Gamblers 1- no gamble = no placement but he was the closest of the three to get it! He had a great opening, but the goofy flatcoat in him made it a little difficult (he thought he'd take a shortcut and go right to the tire)
Standard 2- placed 1ST. The MOST amazing run. Ever. We ran it in an amazing time (35 seconds) and we were probably in the top 20 overall with that time. It was a great run.
Gamblers 1- no gamble, but still placed 5th with her points. It was not an easy gamble and no one in her class got it.
Steeplechase Semi-Finals- it was an awesome run but we knocked a bar. It was fast though but I wasn't sure it would be fast enough to make the cut.
Day 3
Gamble 2- placed 3rd- Gyppie was smokin and got the gamble with no problem. She had a ton of opening points and had a GREAT run
Jumpers 2- placed 2ND!!!!!! WOW!!!!! It was an amazing run and Sarah ran full out with her.
Gamble 2- placed 9th-which was unexpected! He had a great run and got his gamble by a hair (err....tail)
Jumpers 2- no placement, but ran CLEAN and fast. It was bit of a rush to the ring as we weren't paying enough attention and as Kaleb was called he was still at the tent...a good 2 minute walk away :o) Still he managed to run clean...
Gamble 2- amazing opening- 52 POINTS. It was fast, smooth and felt really good. I was confident with the gamble but it wasn't in the cards I guess. Instead of turning for the frame she went out and took an off course jump. And then finished the gamble :o)
Jumpers 2- apparently I suck. at threadles. really. :o) Wicca was feeling her oats and was a little wild but really most of the blame is mine. We had three, count 'em Three off courses (at 20 faults each) and a bar to boot. Leaving us with 10 points for that round....
Steeplechase Finals- first off it was scary. It was the last event of the weekend and kind of a highlight. There were tons of people, and it was pretty intimidating. Oh, and we were first.
She ran it fast, but we had two bobbles- one where I didn't support her on a far jump, and a second on the weaves but I was very happy with her as both of those were my fault. We still managed to place 2nd in our division and win 95$.
Sarah and I both had no idea how we had done in the whole scheme of things. It was an evening full of suspence.
6" Specials was first. Wicca came in 10th. Last place essentially. Most definitely due to her Jumpers rounds. Regardless I am VERY proud of my little dog. We are just starting to finally mesh as a team and I know that we still have lots to learn. She is a great dog though who gave it her all (most of the time) and I have really enjoyed this experience. There have been lots and lots of fun on this trip and I am very lucky to have such a great dog.
16" Specials was next. Regardless of how Gyppie placed I knew that Sarah would cry. Gyp is still a baby dog really- and already accomplishing so much. She is a very special dog and had a spectacular weekend. She ran 5 out of 6 clean. Amazing. When Gyp's name was called for 5th place all of the Alberta people hooped and hollard for her. Amazing.
22" Specials. Sarah had roughly calculated around 420 points for K. So when the 10th place dog had a score of 429 she figured she was out of the placements- which was okay- Kaleb had a great weekend and was consistent for much of it. Imagine her surprise when he won 7th place. She cried. She was crying before she even got up there. Kaleb is one of those dogs who is all heart (and tongue) he is always happy and willing but Sarah has to work hard to keep his focus. They are a very good team and I am very proud of them.
So that's that. We'll be posting pictures later :o)
Friday, August 8, 2008
Day 1
Gyppie- went 3 for 3 clean runs- earning a 3rd Place in a very competitive class of over 30 dogs in the Jumpers Ring. And earned a 6th place in her Standard. She also managed to place 2nd in Steeplechase earning her a spot in the Semi-finals. Also that Steeplechase Q was the last needed for her Steeplechase title! Gyppie had a GREAT first day!
Kaleb- had an awesome standard run and placed 7th out of over 20 dogs! Sarah was amazed and the look on her face was priceless (as was the words that came out of her mouth....ask her)
He also had a great jumpers run- but the wagging of his stupid tail caused him to knock a bar. I told her that we should cut it off :o) His steeplechase was smooth and he picked up his speed along the way- he didn't make the cut but it was still a great run!
Wicca- had a great start and end to her day. The first run was great- and except for a refusal on the teeter (she slipped off the side) her run was amazing- she placed 5th out of ten dogs. The second run I am erasing from my memory. It was pretty awful. We had 35 faults. Uh Huh.....Moving on. She redeemed herself with the steeplechase- it was one of those runs that just feel great. Clean and Fast. 32 seconds- a first place in her class and a very fast time overall. She will get to play with the big dogs in the semi-finals.
We ended our day with some wine (of the wildbunch variety) although I say we, I mean Sarah and Penny. I prefer a Fuzzy Duck.
No pictures today. Maybe tomorrow.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wildbunch, Fuzzy Duck and Opening Ceremonies- UPDATE
Cheese: the mayor, the judges in the horse drawn carriage, and the "parade" of provinces....
Prestige: all the people, the AAC Judges, the AAC President, the speech about what agility is really all about, and just the feeling of celebration.
All in all it wasn't a bad way to spend an hour or so.
On the way home Sarah and I decided to stop at the grocery store and pick up some "necessities" (i.e snacks, cheese, dip, crackers, and a little bit of liquor)
I'd like to introduce you to Wildbunch and Fuzzy Duck...
Sarah picked Wildbunch in honor of the girls....and fuzzy duck for Kaleb...it was somehow fitting :o)
I can't tell you how the wine tastes as I don't drink the stuff but Fuzzy Duck is pretty delicious ;o)
Wish us luck tomorrow! Send me all of your wishes for good memory (I really am hoping I don't get lost!) and send Sarah lots of calming vibes...
All Warmed Up
This morning Sarah and I headed to the site for the warm up runs. First off, there are TONS of people, and TONS of dogs. Lots of Border Collies and Shelties but also some other neat breeds. There were two other Cardigans- which was super neat to see, a couple Collies, some flatcoats and a Griffon (like Addy) and of course a whole wack of mixed breeds.
We each got a chance to run four times but the wait was so long that we ended up just doing two. We waited four more than an hour. But it was worth it- it was a great opportunity to get on the equipment. We were able to use toys which was a good way to reinforce our good dogs :o)
We came back to the hotel to have a rest and will head back around 5:30 for the opening ceremonies. I am getting pretty excited! It definitely seems more real now.
Sarah will be taking pictures of the opening ceremonies for you all to see!
We each got a chance to run four times but the wait was so long that we ended up just doing two. We waited four more than an hour. But it was worth it- it was a great opportunity to get on the equipment. We were able to use toys which was a good way to reinforce our good dogs :o)
We came back to the hotel to have a rest and will head back around 5:30 for the opening ceremonies. I am getting pretty excited! It definitely seems more real now.
Sarah will be taking pictures of the opening ceremonies for you all to see!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
3 dogs and a bridge

OK. so I really like covered bridges.
But don't they make great backgrounds in photos!!!??
Today we checked out the trial site and checked in, got our handler bags, which are really cool backpacks with all the usual stuff in them - magazines, cookies, maps, tourist stuff, pens and a cool tartan sash with a new brunswick pin ...
Tomorrow we have our warm up runs and opening ceremonies, stay tuned!!!!!!!!
we are now officially excited :)
At the cute town of Alma we found a boat with my name on it! Of course we had to do the cheesy tourist thing and take a picture :o)
Here is a picture of the actual Hopewell Rocks. It was very beautiful, but the walk to and from was the most enjoyable part- the path is very well maintained and the dogs had a great time sniffing and exploring. Kaleb even found a puddle to play in (it made him feel a bit better after not being allowed to go in the ocean!)
Where's Gyp??? Sarah was waiting while I checked out the gift shop at Hopewell Rocks...Gyp was being sneaky......
Today the plan is to hang out and do nothing until after lunch- then we'll head downtown to pick up what we need, tour the town, and check out the trial site. Up until last night we hadn't really thought about what we are hear for...still not nervous though, we'll see how we are tomorrow! Oh, and we are also going to see another covered bridge...Sarah loves them....
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Tourist Highlights
We travelled from Halifax to Sussex today. This part of the country is certainly very beautiful! Lots and lots, and lots of trees. Dense forests lined both sides of the road for much of the way. The highways are the neatest colors- there were sections where it was red, green and in some small sections Blue! The water was a weird red color- and seemed quite muddy- due mostly to the red clay soil I would think. And although beautiful the province apparently does not believe in signage. The town of Truro had us lost for more than an hour. You could imagine how happy we were.
After that it was smooth sailing- we made it to Hopewell Rocks and it was pretty neat to see.

Wicca was convinced that there were Gophers out there!
Unfortunately we had bad timing and the tide was in so we were unable to go right down but it was still pretty cool. Kaleb was convinced that he should be allowed to go swimming! The dogs had a great walk though and Sarah got some neat photos. Sarah and I both had our moments of excitement-
hers when she spotted an old covered bridge (which was very cool, but kind of scary) and mine when we saw our first Cows since being here! Kind of reminded me of home I suppose! There were no cowboys though!
Our last stop of the day was in a cute town called Alma. It was very touristy and had a cute pirate store.

Sarah was captured by Pirates but brave Kaleb saved her :o) It was here that Kaleb FINALLY made it into the ocean!
Sarah was captured by Pirates but brave Kaleb saved her :o) It was here that Kaleb FINALLY made it into the ocean!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Welcome to Lobsterland
We made it! We all arrived safe and sound in Halifax this evening (7pm halifax time) The flight was good- I didn't even throw up! We were nervous about the dogs- but we were able to watch them being loaded, and unloaded so it made us feel a bit better.
We arrived in Halifax and were welcomed by buckets of rain, and lightening. The weather is supposed to clear tomorrow though so we should be able to get some good sight seeing in!
The dogs are doing great and are tired from their adventure. Sarah took some cute pictures at the hotel for your viewing pleasure!!
Stay tuned for Updates!
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