Monday, December 12, 2011

2X4 Trial Results

DEB wrote to tell me how proud she was of NITRO. He got a Starters Standard Q & a Starters Snooker Q which gave him his STARTERS GAMES DOG TITLE!!

Tammy reports...
TAYLOR and I were Q-less but not clueless at the 2x4 trial. There were a couple of very close Qs that were missed by a few seconds. Since this was our first trial running Masters Standard my goal was not to get lost on course and to keep TAYLOR focused and upbeat on these more difficult courses and we did achieve that!!
Good Stuff!!

Toni wrote to say...
This last weekend at the 2X4 Trial WALKER earned two “Q’s” in Starters Standard and now has his AGILITY DOG OF CANADA TITLE and a “Q” in Starters Gamblers!!
All of his other runs were clean just have to work on our time.
Congratualtions !!!

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