Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Go!Dog!Go! Trial Results

IZZY, pictured above proudly showing off her ribbons, made her debut & got a Q in Starters Jumpers with a 1st place !!!!

LUCY got 1 Master Gambler Q, 1 Master Snooker Q, 2 Master Standard Q's, & 2 Master Jumpers Q's earning her the EXPERT JUMPERS BRONZE title !!!!!
SOPHIE made her debut & came home with 2 Starter Jumpers Q's, 1 Starter Snooker Q, & 1 Starter Gambler Q !!!!

EPIC got a Q in Starter Jumpers, & SWIFT got a Q in Starter Jumpers as well !!

TAYLOR got a Q in Advanced Jumpers & Tammy had the pleasure of running KARMA in Advanced Snooker, & SUNAR in Master Jumpers & Master Standard !!

ESMAE got a Q in Starters Jumpers & MASSEY got a Q in Starters Standard !!

SNIPER got a Q in Steeplechase with a 1st place!!, a Q in Masters Standard, & a Q in Masters Gamblers!!

JACK got a Q in Starters Snooker & aced his weave poles as well !!!

CHASE got a 3 Q's in Master Standard & Master Jumpers, as well as his 1st Q in Masters Gamblers !!!

WICCA earned 4 Q's in Masters Standard, Snooker, and two Gambles. She earned her EXPERT BRONZE SNOOKER Title!!!!
PIXEL earned 7/8 Q's!!! Coming home with her MAD, and her ADVANCED GAMES DOG title. What a girl!

TAG ran FEO but had a great weekend jumping 16" specials with his girlfriend ..Gyppie
He had two awesome Gamble runs, Great Standard and Jumpers
we are starting to train for 22 " again .. YEAH

ROXY Q'd in Starters Gamblers & finished her Starters Games Title !!!
She also got a Q in Advanced Gamblers!!!
KONA made her debut & Q'd in Starters Snooker !!

Kaleb ran 6/7 and Gyp ran 5/7, they ran great all weekend!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to you all !!!!!!!

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