Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Party

Friday night was the annual Go!Dog!Go! Christmas party. What a wonderful time we all had, there was lots of food, lots of laughs, & lots & lots of stealing !
We had a name the puppy contest & it was harder then I thought it would be. We all got together & helped each other out though, don't tell Sarah or Amanda !
The highlight though had to be the gift exchange. The rules allowed us to "steal" another gift if we chose to do so. It was all in fun & everyone were great sports, we must have learned that playing agility :))
All I can say is what a fantastic group of people we have in our club & I'm so grateful they are my friends.

Here are some pictures from the night......

The Food !!!......

Can you say yummy !!......

Trying to name the puppies......

Jolayne was not too happy that Kim stole her gift, do you think Kim cares !!......

Lynn does some stealing as well......

Julia enjoys the craziness!......

Roberta opens a gift......

We couldn't decide if this was an Aussie or a Bernese Mt. Dog, so we all decided it was a Bosley/Massey love child :))......

Lots of Laughs......

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Calgary Agility Trial

Results from the trial held in Calgary Nov 13, 14

Congratulations to Maureen & MASSEY who got their 1st 2 Q's !!!
Q in Starters Snooker
Q in Starters Jumpers

Kim & MAGGIE came home with a Q in Masters Snooker which gives Maggie her MASTER SNOOKER TITLE !!!
Congratulations !!!

Amanda trialed WICCA & PIXEL and received the following Q's:

2 Masters Gamble Q's, taking the Highest Overall Points on the first day with 122 points !!!
Q Masters Snooker
Q Masters Steeplechase

2 Q's in Advanced Standard giving her a new ADVANCED AGILITY DOG OF CANADA title !!!!!
Congratulations !!!
Q Masters Jumpers
Q Advanced Gamble

Lynne and Lucy had a GREAT weekend too! Lucy brought home 5 Masters Qs and 2 of those were in Masters Gamblers which she has been working so hard at! Way to go!

Jan and Dave also had a great weekend with Pearl and BB bringing home a few Qs too!

Catching Up

Hi everyone ! I have taken on the task of updating the blog for you!
Sarah actually compiled all of this info for me so this was pretty easy :)
Thanks Sarah !

GDG Trial - Aug 29/30
We had a great trial, over 70 Qs from our group! So many great Debuts! The list is too long to list all the Qs, but here are the titles earned:

TAG - Advanced Game Dog, Masters Gamblers Dog
LUCY - Masters Snooker Title
DEB - Masters Jumpers Dog
CHASE - Advanced Games Dog
PIXEL - Starters Game Dog
NIKKI - in her first trial moves up to Advanced Jumpers

Kimberley Trial - Sept 11/12
Go Dog Go brings home 42 Q's from this trial!! Here are the Titles earned:

KALEB - Expert Standard Gold, Expert Snooker Silver
TAG - Masters Steeplechase Dog
SNIPER- Starters Dog, Starters Game Dog
JOVI - Starters Dog
PIXEL - Starters Dog
KARMA - moves from Starters Jumpers and Gamblers to Advanced
SUNAR - moves to Master Jumpers

Medicine Hat - Sept 17/18
Go Dog Go brings home 46 Q's from Medicine Hat!

Here are the big titles earned:

KALEB- GOLD Award of Merit!! and Expert Silver Jumpers
PEARL - Masters Steeplechase Dog, Expert Bronze Snooker Dog, Versatility Bronze Award
TAG - Masters Snooker Dog
BOSLEY - Advanced Dog
KELSI - moves up to Masters Jumpers
SNIPER - moves to Masters Jumpers
ANDRE - moves to Advanced Jumpers and Gamblers
EPIC - moves to Advanced Snooker